Keyword Research for SEO Dubai

Users need to leverage keywords in their niche if they wish to optimize the elements on their site. Broad generalized terms are difficult to rank and are not as effective as the more specialized niche keywords, especially when you’re looking to launch a new website.

This guide created by Beontop SEO Dubai Company will enlighten you on everything you ought to know when you want to start choosing niche keywords.

Selecting the right industry-specific terms is not as hard as most people think it is. Here are some of the things you should do to find the right terms that deliver results:

1.      Understand keywords

One needs to understand exactly what keywords and what they do to simplify the choosing process.

Keywords are basically words that people use to run queries and may be comprised of one word or several words put together to make a phrase. They are 3 categories:

·         Head keywords. These are generalized terms made up of a single word and describe an entire industry and tend to have a very high search volume as well as the competition

·         Body keywords. They are phrases made up of two or three words. They’re mostly used to describe a wider niche in the industry. Even though their search volume isn’t as high compared to head keywords, they are still quite competitive.

·         Long-tail keywords. These are ultra-specific phrases made up of four or more words and they’re typically used to describe a very specific industry.

From information given above, it’s quite clear that you should focus on the third category or at least the second. Paying more attention to the first category is a waste of time as these are extremely competitive and don’t convert well especially for smaller brands.

2.      Brainstorm

Brainstorming helps users think of a couple of terms that are relevant to their niche.

An easy way to move forward is by typing the keyword on the Google and checking the suggestions provided. Keep scrolling and picking whichever suggestions you find relevant.

3.      Use research tools

These tools help you discover keywords that are frequently used to make queries. They provide users with a detailed analysis with regard to search volume and competition.

Researching keywords enables users to identify lots of opportunities that offer great potential to drive traffic to your site. Some of the tools that you can use include:

·         Long-tail Pro

·         Serpstat

4.      Refine your list of niche keywords

Now it’s time to make sure that the keywords you have chosen are as specific as possible to your website. Keywords will only be of value to you if they’re relevant. You shouldn’t blindly embrace every keyword thrown at you.

5.      Monitoring and evaluation

Finally, you need to evaluate how well the keywords are working for you. This whole process requires regular monitoring. Considering that you have invested a lot into it, you should track the performance. Make continued keyword monitoring a priority to improve your results.


When people start learning all about marketing, they at first feel like there’s too much information to take in all at once. There are so many tactics that experts use to choose niche keywords. Many people know that they should be using specific industry keywords but a lot of them aren’t sure about how to get started.

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