What is Lomi Lomi Massage

How The World Learned About Lomi Lomi

The Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage is one of the most ancient techniques that was invented on the Polynesian Islands. It has long been used by healers and elders who have kept knowledge of the mysteries of nature.

This technique was used to cleanse and strengthen the body. It helped cure many diseases. The basis of this lomi lomi massage is considered the doctrine of harmony of body and soul.

How is This Style of Massage Different From Others?

Unlike other techniques, Lomi Lomi emphasizes the abdominal cavity. It contributes to the restoration of the body and normalization of digestive functions in men and women.

With this massage it is possible to qualitatively improve the state of health, and not just to relax. This is the uniqueness of the procedure.

With the help of such an influence it is possible to normalize the internal state of the person and put him into meditation.

Features and Therapeutic Effect

Features and Therapeutic Effect

According to the description, Hawaiian massage is an effective tool that helps to cope with increased fatigue and general weakness. The procedure helps to maintain beauty and health. It also contributes to finding inner harmony.

Thanks to mechanical action on the skin it is possible to normalize blood flow, eliminate nervous system overexcitability and get rid of neurotic conditions. After the session, discomfort in the muscles and headaches disappear.

Literally 1 course of massage can significantly improve the health of patients who have been partially paralyzed, restore metabolic processes and functions of the digestive organs. The procedure also helps to increase the period of remission for asthma.

Manipulation improves not only the physical, but also the psychological state of the person. It has a favorable effect on his energy and increases the body’s defenses. A calm person, whose thoughts and body are in harmony, becomes more resistant to stress.

Mechanism of Influence on The Body and Recommended Frequency of Application

Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to achieve a number of positive effects:

  • normalize the work of the heart, cope with arrhythmia, regulate blood pressure;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • improve the function of the liver and spleen;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerate lymphatic drainage;
  • to relieve stress;
  • improve kidney and adrenal function;
  • to eliminate eye diseases;
  • cope with pathologies of the lungs and pituitary gland;
  • improve the timbre of the voice.

A massage session at our massage center in Barsha Heights lasts about 3 hours. The course includes 10 procedures. As a rule, no more than 1 session a week is prescribed.



Contact Information:

Bella Spa Massage Dubai

17 floor, DusitD2 Kens Hotel
Barsha Heights, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Bella Spa Massage Dubai
+971 55 582 6026

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