Four Hand Massage Values

To protect the body from stress, fatigue and recovery, a relaxing four-handed massage helps, a person is soothed by the slow detailed movements of the hands with different pressure and manipulations.

It has been used since ancient times to relax and rejuvenate the body. Nowadays 4 hands massage Dubai is used very often.

How Does The Procedure Work?

The duration of the sessions in four hands reaches one hour or more, and the shortest in time usually lasts 30 minutes. During a classic massage specialists act synchronously, at the same pace and with the same intensity of impact on trigger points.

Masseurs work on both sides of the patient’s body simultaneously, and this type of massage is called synchronous. Smoothness of the movements of the palms, wrists, forearms and elbows contributes to the effect on the whole body. Rhythmic and soothing music is often used during this type of massage.

In various salons specialists sometimes offer their own brand of massage, often using elements of manual therapy, aromatherapy, music therapy, conducted by Polynesian and Eastern massage with four hands. Massage of two parts of the body at the same time is also used. Massage therapists start from opposite parts of the body and gradually move on to simultaneous massage of the abdomen, back or chest.

Four Hands Massage Relaxes, Soothes and Removes All Negative and Tiredness

Value of The Sessions

Four hands massage relaxes, soothes and removes all negative and tiredness. It is especially necessary for people involved in sports and professional activities associated with communication, education, physical exertion and strong nervous tension.

The masseurs point out that this type of massage stimulates both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. This is its main value, patients during a four hands massage session seem to dissolve, forget and feel a pleasant state of the whole body, get rid of the flow of thoughts, lose their sense of time and space.

Should The Patient Feel Discomfort and Pain?

No, this type of massage should be pleasant and not cause any discomfort, should be gentle, bringing only relaxation and tranquility. Four-hand massage also has a number of therapeutic properties. It is excellent for relieving headaches, as well as in the back of the head and back. It is also used for restoring equilibrium of the musculoskeletal system, increasing blood and lymph circulation.

Patients need to inform the masseur about uncomfortable sensations. When choosing a Russian massage, read the reviews of the specialists. Stay healthy and active, love yourself and your body.

Contact Information:

Jasmine Spa European Massage Dubai

18th Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road Exit 36
Barsha Heights, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Jasmine Spa Russian Massage Dubai
+971 56 123 8869

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